
XII Congreso Nacional CyTA CESIA, 02-04 Abril 2024. Barcelona, España.

Mendoza-Pérez, Rito; Encinas, Elena; Villanueva; Caballero, Pedro; Ronda, Felicidad. Efecto de la adición de harina de granos de cañamo parcialmente desgrasados sobre la calidad de galletas sin gluten. Barcelona, España.


XII Congreso Nacional CyTA CESIA, 02-04 Abril 2024. Barcelona, España

Mendoza-Pérez, Rito J; Caballero, Pedro; Ronda, Felicidad. Efecto de la Variedad sobre las propiedades nutricionales y tecno-funcionales del subproducto obtenido tras la extracción de aceite a partir de semillas de cáñamo. Barcelona, España.

IV Congreso Nacional CyTA Junior, 02 de Abril 2024. Barcelona, España

Calix-Rivera, Caleb S., Rivera-Flores, Octavio., Villanueva, Marina., Ronda, Felicidad. Harina del fruto de pan (Artocarpus Altilis) : un ingrediente con prometedoras propiedades para el desarrollo de nuevos productos. Barcelona, España

XII Congreso Nacional CyTA CESIA, 02-04 Abril 2024. Barcelona, España.

Calix-Rivera, Caleb S., Ronda, Felicidad. Un nuevo almidón a partir de semillas de tiusinte (Dioon Mejiae), un fósil viviente en Honduras. Propiedades de hidratación, térmicas, de empastado y reológicas. Barcelona, España.

37th EFFoST International Conference (2023)

Calix-Rivera, C.S., Villanueva, M., Náthia-Neves, G., Caballero, P.A. & Ronda, F. Changes on morphological, techno-Functional, thermal, and rheological properties of tef flours induced by microwave radiation. Valencia, España.

37th EFFoST International Conference (2023)

Mauro, R.R., Caballero, P.A. & Ronda, F. Effect of starch concentration of different origins on the oscillatory rheological parameters of their gels. Valencia, España.

37th EFFoST International Conference (2023)

Mauro, R.R., Caballero, P.A. & Ronda, F. Effect of the concentration of starch from different origins on the pasting parameters of their gels. Valencia, España.

37th EFFoST International Conference (2023)

Gutiérrez, A.L., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martín-Diana, A.B. & Caballero, P.A. Improvement of techno-functional properties of gluten-free flours through high hydrostatic pressure and moderate temperature. Valencia, España.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023) (ICC BEST POSTER AWARD)

Calix-Rivera, C. S., Rivera-Flores, O., Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Suitability of breadfruit flour as a gluten-free ingredient: hydration, thermal, pasting properties and rheological characterization. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Calix-Rivera, C. S., Abebe, W., Náthia-Neves, G., Martínez, M., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Lipase Inactivation Kinetics of Tef Flour with Microwave Radiation. Improving its Storage Stability. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Mendoza-Pérez, R.J., Ronda, F., Caballero, P. Nutritional Characterisation of Partially-Defatted Hemp Flour and Evaluation of Its Effect on the Rheological Properties of Gluten-Free Doughs. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Álvarez, E., Mendoza-Pérez, R.J., Ronda, F., Caballero, P. A New Gluten-Free Ingredient Derived From a By-Product of the Integral Proccessing of Natural Pistachios. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Náthia-Neves, G., Zumel, H., Vicente, A., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Effect of fat content on the techno-functional properties of whole canary seed flours treated by ultrasound. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Mauro, R.R., Vicente, A., Ronda, F. Influence of amylose content and starch concentration on the viscoelastic parameters of rice and maize gels. Roma, Italia.

6th international symposium on gluten-free cereal products and beverages (2023)

Vicente, A., Mate, M., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Lazaridou, A., Biliaderis, C.G., Ronda, F. An alternative technology to improve gluten-free bread quality: microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment of buckwheat grains. Roma, Italia.

21st Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference (2023)

Náthia-Neves, G., Vela, A.J., Calix-Rivera, C. S., Vicente, A., Mauro, R.R., Abebe, W., G., Muñoz, J. M., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Hydrothermal treatments assisted by emerging technologies: an effective alternative to obtain gluten-free ingredients with improved properties. Tesalónica, Grecia.

21st Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference (2023)

M., Villanueva, & Ronda, F. Can microwave-treated rice flour replace the hydroxy-propyl-methyl-cellulose in gluten-free bread formulation? Tesalónica, Grecia.

Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencia, Ingeniería y Tecnología de los alimentos (2022)

Calix-Rivera, C.S., Rodríguez, S., Villanueva, M. & Ronda, F. Estudio comparativo de dos tratamientos hidrotérmicos sobre las propiedades físico-funcionales de la harina de arroz. Salamanca, España.

Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencia, Ingeniería y Tecnología de los alimentos (2022)

Gutiérrez, A.L., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martín-Diana, A.B. & Caballero, P.A. Aplicación de las altas presiones hidrostáticas para la obtención de harinas de alto valor nutricional aptas para la elaboración de productos sin gluten. Salamanca, España.

Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencia, Ingeniería y Tecnología de los alimentos (2022)

Mendoza-Perez, R.J. Propiedades físicas, funcionales y nutricionales de los subproductos procedentes del prensado de pistacho natural: comparación entre diferentes sistemas de extracción. Salamanca, España.

19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (2022)

Gutiérrez, A.L., Hernanz, A., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martin-Diana, A.B. & Caballero, P.A. Application of high hydrostatic pressure processing to obtain a nutritious whole grain buckwheat flour with enhanced gluten-free baking performance. Valencia, España.

19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (2022)

Vicente, A., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A. & Ronda, F. Microwave treatment of buckwheat grains: an alternative approach to modulate flour techno-functional properties. Valencia, España.

19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (2022)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Li, C., Ozturk, O.K., Hamaker, B. & Ronda, F. Effect of temperature in the modification of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] flour by ultrasound treatments. Valencia, España.

7th Cereal & Europe Spring Meeting (2022)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Influence of temperature in the physical modification of rice flour by ultrasound technology. Tesalónica, Grecia.

7th Cereal & Europe Spring Meeting (2022)

Villanueva, M., García-Solaesa, A., Vela, A.J., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Microwave-treated rice flour as hydroxy-propyl-methyl-cellulose replacer in gluten-free bread formulation. Tesalónica, Grecia.

7th Cereal & Europe Spring Meeting (2022)

Gutiérrez, A.L., Ayuela, B., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martin-Diana, A.B., Caballero, P.A. Techno-functional properties of a gluten-free flour obtained from high hydrostatic pressure processed rough rice. Tesalónica, Grecia.

7th Cereal & Europe Spring Meeting (2022)

Caballero, P.A., Villanueva, M., Garcia-Solaesa, A., Vela, A.J., Gutiérrez, A.L., Ronda, F. Canary seed flour as an ingredient of high nutritional value to produce gluten-free sugar snap cookies. Tesalónica, Grecia.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Náthia-Neves, G., Mate, M., Murillo, L., Arias, F.J., Ronda, F. Effect of the microwave irradiation treatment on the protein fractions and functional properties of tef flour (DZ-CR-438). Braganza, Portugal.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Calix-Rivera, C.S., Rau, D.N., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Microwave radiation treatment of tef grain and flour. Effect on its techno-functional properties. Braganza, Portugal.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Mendoza-Perez, R.J., Encinas, E., Blanco, B., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Characterization of grains from three industrial hemp cultivars approved for production in Spain. Braganza, Portugal.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Vicente, A., Tabary, E., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Impact of quinoa flour on theological properties of doughs and quality of the resulting gluten-free bread. Braganza, Portugal.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Physical modification of rice flour via ultrasonication. Influence of treatment time and temperature. Presentación oral. Braganza, Portugal.

Trends in grain-based foods (2022)

Gutierrez, A.L., Padrones, I.C., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martin-Diana, A.B., Caballero, P.A. Impact of short-time high hydrostatic pressure treatments on whole buckwheat grains to modulate the functional properties of the resulting flours. Presentación oral. Braganza, Portugal.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Vicente, A., Gil, C., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Impact of the addition of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) flour on maize starch-based gluten-free bread quality. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Calix, C.S., Rau, D.N., Villanueva, M., Vicente, A., Abebe, W., Neves, G., Ronda, F. Brown tef whole grains treated by microwave radiation. Impact on techno-functional properties of the resulting flours. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Vicente, A., López, E., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Effect of microwave treatment of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) flour on its techno-functional and rheological properties. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Ada, K., Vela, A.J., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Particle size impact on techno-functional properties of whole buckwheat flour and its breadmaking performance. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Gutiérrez, A.L., Rico, D., Ronda, F., Martín-Diana, A.B., Caballero, P.A. Improvement of baking properties of gluten-free glours by high hydrostatic pressure processing of buckwheat whole-grains. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Vela, A.J., Fernandez, O., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Water removal method determines the final physicochemical properties of ultrasound treated quinoa flour. Evento en línea.

7th Whole Grain Summit (2021)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Impact of dual ultrasound-annealing treatment on the structural and physicochemical properties of white and brown tef flours. Presentación Oral. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Mendoza, R., Encinas, E., Miguel, J.M., Gutierrez, A., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) flour obtained from seeds of industrial varieties grown in Spain: a study of its potential as a high nutritional value food ingredient. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Vicente, A., Villanueva, M., Calix, C.S., Gutierrez, A., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Microwave treatment of buckwheat grains at different moisture content and its effect on techno-functional and rheological properties of obtained flours. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Gutierrez, A., Rico, D., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F., Martín-Diana, A.B., Caballero, P.A. Study of different presoaking temperatures of buckwheat whole grains treated with high hydrostatic pressure: effects on functional, technological and nutritional properties of flours. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Ronda F. Influence of temperature in the physical modification of rice flour achieved by low-frequency ultrasound treatment. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Solaesa, A.G., Ronda F. Dependence of water removal method in the final properties of tef flours modified by ultrasonication. Evento en línea.

16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) (2021)

Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Murillo, L., Vela, A.J., Caballero, P.A., Ronda F. Modification of the techno-functional and pasting properties of buckwheat flour by microwave radiation. Evento en línea.


X Congreso Nacional CyTA – CESIA (2019)

Caballero P.A., Gutiérrez, A., Vicente A., Villanueva M., Solaesa A.G., Harasym J., Martin-Diana A.B., Rico D., Ronda F. Tratamiento de granos de cereales y pseudocereales con tecnologías emergentes como estrategia para la mejora de la calidad y el valor nutricional de productos sin gluten. Presentación Oral. León, España.


X Congreso Nacional CyTA – CESIA (2019)

Caballero P.A., Suazo E., Tejedor L., Villanueva M., Solaesa A.G., Harasym J., Ronda F. Potencial de la harina de alpiste como ingrediente de alto valor nutricional para el desarrollo de alimentos sin gluten. León, España.


19th ICC Conference (2019)

Villanueva M., Harasym J., Solaesa A.G., Vela A.J., Caballero P.A., Ronda F. Impact of microwave radiation on buckwheat flour and the effect on the rheological properties of gluten-free doughs and breadmaking. Vienna, Austria.


19th ICC Conference (2019)

Vela A.J., Villanueva M., Solaesa A.G., Ronda F. Physical modification of rice flour by means of ultrasound. Vienna, Austria.


19th ICC Conference (2019)

Solaesa A.G., Villanueva M., Vela A.J., Caballero P.A., Ronda F. Impact of microwave treatment depending on the moisture content of rice flour. Vienna, Austria.


19th ICC Conference (2019)

Gutierrez A.L., Villanueva M., Rico D., Martín-Diana A., Harasym J., Ronda F., Caballero P.A. Valorisation of a buckwhear by-product to promote a nutritional improvement of gluten-free bread. Vienna, Austria.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Ronda F., Collar C., Villanueva M., Saldaña M., Isar M., Harasym J. Use of microwaved rice flour in gluten-free bread-making. Presentación Oral. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Caballero P.A., Suazo E., Solaesa A.G., Harasym J., Ronda, F. Canary seed flour: Ingredient of high nutritional value for gluten-free foods development. Presentación Oral. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Solaesa A.G., Sigüenza T., Harasym J., Beltrán S., Ronda F. Influence of particle size on structure and physicochemical properties of quinoa grits. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Caballero P.A., Tejedor L., Villanueva M., Harasym J., Ronda F. Application of canary seed flour in gluten-free breadmaking. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Villanueva M., Harasym J., Collar C., Caballero P.A., Ronda F. Effect of MW-treated rice flour on rheological properties of gluten-free bread doughs. Nantes, France.


EFFOST (2018)

Solaesa A.G., Villanueva M., Harasym J., Beltrán S., Ronda F.. Microstructure and in vitro digestibility of supercritical fluid defatted-quinoa. Nantes, France.



32th EFFOST (2018)

Villanueva M., De Lamo B., Harasym J., Ronda F. Physical modification of model systems -corn starch and protein blends- by microwave assisted heat-moisture treatment. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Harasym J., Villanueva M., Murillo L., Solaesa A.G., Abebe W. Impact of microwave-assisted heat-moisture treatment on white and brown Ethiopian teff flour properties. Nantes, France.


32th EFFOST (2018)

Gutiérrez A.L., Harasym J., Ronda F., Villanueva M., Caballero P.A. Impact of buckwheat hull addition on hydration properties of rice gluten-free flour. Nantes, France.


FOOD 2030 (2018)

García-Solaesa, A., Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Beltrán, S., Ronda, F. Valorization of quinoa by-products after oil extraction with supercritical CO2. Presentación oral. Stuttgart, Germany

FOOD 2030 (2018)

Villanueva, M., De Lamo, B., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Microwave treated starch-protein blends: An innovative raw material to improve the quality of gluten-free products for coeliac disease patients. Stuttgart, Germany

FOOD 2030 (2018)

Ronda, F., Harasym, J., Villanueva, M., García-Solaesa, A., Abebe, W., Caballero, P.A. Microwave assisted heat moisture treatment as useful tool in improvement of gluten-free functional characteristic. Stuttgart, Germany

FOOD 2030 (2018)

Harasym, J., Villanueva, V., Solaesa, A.G., Abebe, W., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Minority crops utilization for diversification of gluten-free food products offer. Stuttgart, Germany

31th EFFOST (2017)

Caballero, P.A., Villanueva, M., Villota, P., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Nutrient profile improvement of gluten-free bread by adding a buckwheat by-product. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31th EFFOST (2017)

Harasym, J., Fernández, N., Villanueva, M., Esteban, C., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Functional properties of Spanish and Polish buckwheat flours. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31 th EFFOST (2017)

Villanueva, M., De Lamo, B., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Gluten-free raw material starches behaviour in mixtures with calcium caseinate. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31th EFFOST (2017)

Harasym, J., Fernández, N., Villanueva, M., Abebe, W., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Characteristic of technological features of teff flours from Spanish and Ethiopian cultivars. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31th EFFOST (2017)

Villanueva, M., De Lamo, B., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Impact of microwave radiation on the technological properties of corn starch-caseinate mixtures and the viscoelastic properties of their gels. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31th EFFOST (2017)

Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Plaza, M., Ada, K., Cabellero, P.A., Ronda, F. Impact of buckwheat flour on the rheological properties of rice-based gluten-free bread doughs. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

31th EFFOST (2017)

Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Plaza, M., Ada, K., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Nutrition improvement of rice gluten-free bread with buckwheat flour. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

IBEREO (2017)

Pérez-Quirce, S., Vela, A., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F. Enrichment of gluten-free rice-based doughs with yeast and fungi (1-3)(1-6)-beta-glucans extracts. Valencia, Spain

IBEREO (2017)

Villanueva, M., Pérez-Quirce, S., Ronda, F. Effects of acidification and exogenous protein on rheological properties of gluten-free starch-based doughs. Valencia, Spain

IBEREO (2017)

Harasym, J., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Effect of partial substitution of rice flour with buckwheat flour on gluten-free bread quality and rheology of dough. Valencia, Spain

Biet (2017)

Ronda, F., Caballero, P.A., Harasym, J., Abebe, W., Pérez-Quirce, S., Villanueva, M., Siliuto, C., Mauro, R.R., Moraleja, A., Santos, D., Mendoza, R.J., del Amo, P., Vela, A.,  López, L., Ada, K., Plaza, M., Fernández, N. Estrategias para la mejora de productos sin gluten. Barcelona, Spain

Biet (2017)

Ronda, F., Caballero, P.A., Harasym, J., Pérez-Quirce, S., Villanueva, M., Melendre, C., Jimenez, I., Calix, C.S., Carrillo, N., De Lamo, B., Esteban, C. Estabilización y modificación física de almidones y harinas sin gluten. Barcelona, Spain

FoodInnova (2017)

Villanueva, M., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Microwave assisted high moisture treatment impact on rice flour breadmaking properties. Cesena, Italy

4th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages (2016)

Villanueva, M., Pérez-Quirce, S., Ronda, F. Effect of acidification on protein-enriched corn and potato starch breads. Cork, Ireland

4th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages (2016)

Villanueva, M., López, l., Varas, J., Abebe, W., Ronda, F. Gluten free bread from Ethiopian tef varieties: dough rheological properties and bread quality. Cork, Ireland

4th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages (2016)

Villanueva, M., Carrillo, N., Pérez-Quirce, S., Harasym, J., Muñoz, J.M., Ronda, F. Effect of microwave radiation on rice flour properties and breads making ability. Cork, Ireland

15th European young Cereal Scientists & Technologists Workshop (2016)

Villanueva, M., Varas, J., Abebe, W., Ronda, F. Applications of Ethiopian Tef varieties in formulation of high nutritional profile gluten-free breads. Presentación oral. Milan, Italy

I Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencia, Ingeniería y Tecnología de los Alimentos (2015)

Villanueva, M., Pérez-Quirce, S., Ronda, F. Enriquecimiento proteico de panes sin gluten. Estrategias para mejorar su calidad. Presentación oral. Palencia, Spain

Grains for Feeding the World (2015)

Abebe, W., Collar, C., Pérez-Quirce, S., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. Functional properties and starch enzymatic hydrolysis of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] grain flours. Milan, Italy

Grains for Feeding the World (2015)

Villanueva, M., Cotfas, C.M., Collar, C.,  Ronda, F. Effects of acidification and exogenous protein on rheological properties of gluten-free starch-based doughs. Milan, Italy

14th European young Cereal Scientists & Technologists Workshop (2015)

Villanueva, M., Mauro, R.R., Pérez-Quirce, S., Ronda, F. Improvement of gluten-free bread quality using exogenous protein and organic acids. Presentación oral. Copenhagen, Denmark

XXVI Jornadas Técnicas de la Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC) (2014)

Abebe, W., Villanueva, M., Mauro, R.R., Pérez-Quirce, S., Collar, C., Ronda, F. Propiedades físicas y funcionales de la harina de tef. Efecto de la variedad y tipo de molino. Madrid, Spain

XXVI Jornadas Técnicas de la Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC) (2014)

Villanueva, M., Mauro, R.R., Pérez-Quirce, S., Collar, C., Ronda, F. Incorporación de redes proteicas estructuradas exógenas y de aditivos reguladores del pH en la elaboración de panes sin gluten. Madrid, Spain

Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos – Cibia9 (2014)

Villanueva, M., Mauro, R.R., Collar, C., Ronda, F. Propiedades viscoelásticas de masas de pan sin gluten enriquecidas con proteínas de huevo y leche. Valencia, Spain